Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An Arranged Love Marriage; Part 2

"Abhi",his mother called out to him from the kitchen
"Yes mom",Abhi answered even as he pulled up his socks and stood up stamping his feet to better adjust his shoes.
"What time will you be home dear?"
Abhi sighed.He knew why she was asking that question.Must be another proposal from "a relative who knows them well".She had been trying to get him married off for the past seven or eight months.But much to her chagrin,Abhi continously evaded all her efforts and always managed to find some or the other fault with the girl or her family.The issue was quite simple and straightforward according to Abhi.He wanted to have a love marriage and simply was not going to settle for a arranged one.His mother kept on getting one proposal after another and he kept on rejecting them.And he had not found any girl.
"Shall be a bit late mom",he said stepping into the kitchen.The delicious smell of freshly brewed coffee tickled his senses.
"Do try to come by 6.00.There is this girl whom I want you to meet."
Abhi sighed theatrically and slumped his shoulders,"" Mom,you know I.."
His protests trailed off as his mother stuffed a toast in his mouth.
"No excuses from you young man",she said,"She is from a good family."
"They always are.What's her name?"
Her answer was drowned out in the sound of a low flying jet and Abhi did not bother too ask her again.
"Ok.Shall try to be back on time."
He got into his car and backed out into the quiet street.The neighbourhood was not exactly swanky but was occupied by people who knew the meaning of old money.The family had moved into this place a year back after Abhi's father had passed away.Five years on the payroll of an MNC and the money that came with the upward climb in a corporate world had allowed Abhi the luxury of a house in that locality.Five years.Five years since he had heard from Meg.He had been way too busy in his job and hardly had any time to get in touch with her.Contacts had slowly died down purely to lack of time and then because of sheer laziness to pick up the phone or write a small e-mail.Four years of engineering seemed like a dream.A place of memories that Abhi visited often as he leafed through the photo albums.Every snap had some or the other memory attached to it.He like the ones that had been clicked in Shimla.He remembered Meg falling seriously ill because of the cold.He had sat at her bedside the whole night.He missed her.As much for her vivacity as for her practical take on life.He wondered where she was now,whether she had settled in happy matrimony or was still single.Lost in these thoughts he reached his office.
Work kept him busy till mid afternoon.The topic of marriage came up amongst the people as they crowded around the coffee machine and Abhi was suddenly reminded of the promise to his mother.Excusing himself from the conversation he went back to his office and wrapped up whatever was left and left.On the way he started thinking of excuses of not marrying the girl.Most of them he had used already and wanted something that looked genuine.He pulled into the driveway and parked his car.As he entered his house he caught the faint fragrance of jasmine.His mother's favourite perfume.She must be really looking forward to it he thought as he showered,shaved and put on a fresh change of clothes.His mother kept up a animated stream of gossip as he drove to the address she gave him.He responded to her questions with alternate affirmatives and negations hardly paying attention to the question being asked.A tweny minute drive found him parked outside a wrought iron gate that held behind it a two storey bunglow facing the sea.He honked twice and a servant opened the gate.
"Are you sure this is the address?",he asked his mother as his eyes took in the architecture.It had obviously been done by a professional who knew his way around the cement and mortar.He knocked on the door and was ushered in by a maid who said Mrs.- would be out in a moment.She asked them to be seated in the living room.Five minutes passed.Abhi kept himself engrossed in the numerous paintings that adorned the walls.The choice showed a fine refinement in the taste.Even the furniture looked as if it had been carefully chosen.
"Shyamal!So sorry to keep you waiting like this"
Abhi looked sharply towards the entrance as a well dressed lady of about fifty entered the room.He did not recognise her and was surprised when she called his mother by her first name.His mother got up and shook hands with her.
"Abhi.meet Mrs.-.And dont be surprised by the first name basis.Me and Ashwini go back years.Busy schedule kept us from regular contact.But we have gotten in touch a month or so back."
Abhi groaned inwardly.A month of contact with a very old friend for a marriage proposal?!This was going to be very difficult to beat.
"Tea or coffee Abhi?",Mrs- was asking him.
"Coffee please."
Abhi was sipping the coffee when Mrs.- next words took the floor from beneath his feet and made him freeze in mid-sip,"There she is.Come Meghna.Come and sit here."

To Be continued....


Mansi said...

u've ended part 2 with a lot of suspense!! waiting to read part 3...!

Bharat said...
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